Microplastics a Trojan Horse? Microplastics accumulate metals which organisms can ingest

The massive problem of plastic pollution is well known, and there is a considerable global research effort to find solutions.
Plastic is known to absorb organic pollutants but was thought not to be able to absorb metals. This is because most plastics are non-polar. In the upcoming November 2021 issue of the Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, a study finds that plastic can absorb metals and the smaller the particle, the greater the accumulation of metals. Researchers tests 55 different metals and metalloids which showed a range of absorption and adsorption levels.
This means that microplastics could accumulate, transport and release a range of pollutants. Microplastics polluting rivers and oceans can be ingested by organisms and passed up the food chain with the contaminants. The researchers refer to microplastics contaminated with metals as a Trojan Horse.
This was a laboratory study, and the researchers are undertaking further studies. It will be important to determine what kinds and concentrations of metals are found in plastic particles harvested in the environment.

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